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Instructions :)

  • Double click on an item to turn it into a folder
  • Use the sign to add items
  • Use the sign to delete an item
  • Use the sign to un-delete an item
  • Use the ₿ sign to change ₿udget anywhere

ChainPro - Onchain Project Budgeting Tool

Branch ethconcept - uses Ethereum compatible sidechain as backbone for budget finance ChainPro enables creation of budget trees like the one that shows below. It allows the definition of the budget at any level of the tree and the allocation of budget using hyerarchical deterministic addresses. This allows any organization to use a virtual currency to distribute Budget and empower those with budget responsibilities to transfer it.

Using any blockchain that supports hyerarchical deterministic wallets You can monitor budget allocation in real time, as well as budget expenditure.

Any budget owner can use an ethereum compatible wallet to make payments to other people in the organization. This can be easily monitored by all upper levels in the hirarchy.

Suppose you are a CEO of a company and have three departments under your responsability, Marketing, run by the Chief Marketing Officer, Operations, run by the Chief Operations Officer (COO) and the finance department, run by your Chief Operating Officer (CFO)

At the beginning of the period you make payments to each of them for the amount that you decide they should spend. Each of them can then talk to their direct reports and distribute this amount or part of it, among then so they can use it to pay their teams.